Arindam Paul - Javascript Vm Internals, Eventloop, Async And Scopechains

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Arindam Paul - Javascript Vm Internals, Eventloop, Async And Scopechains
Hasgeek Tv
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Дата публикации:
23.09.2015 16:08 2015-09-23T13:08:00Z


This talk provides:
1. A crisp understanding of the JavaScript VM and how a single threaded engine can be massively parallel.
2. How event loop and callbacks works, example of blocking and non-blocking codes, ES6 generators for custom Async signaling.
3. How function definitions happen and invocations happen, how scope chains are formed, what closures are and how to reason about them.
4. Async programming, how reactive programming works at the bottom level, how event listeners registers themselves and then deregisters.

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Arindam Paul - Javascript Vm Internals, Eventloop, Async And Scopechains, Hasgeek Tv

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